Friday, March 28, 2008

OBE - Day 10

Just woke up not too long ago, man im so lazy dont feel like writing anything right now. Anyway, i was listening to tape 5 last night and after i felt asleep i had a long ass dream. Somewhere in the middle of tape 5 my mind drifted and i felt like it was going somewhere, i got scared and wanted to snap out of it but i made myself not to. I saw some lines or something and then nothing... it was about 5-10 seconds.

After the tape was over i felt asleep about 10 mins later. The dream i had was weird and long. I don't remember a lot of it but the first part was me taking a bus. Then i met this guy and we start talking about martial arts, i told him something like i wanna learn how to fight and we were talking about sparring. Then i realized my feet were dirty so i started washing them in this soap water, while looking over my back worrying if people seeing me even though part of me didnt care at all. Some were looking at me shaking their head like "this guy is crazy", but i was like whatever. After i was done i didnt have new socks so id use different colored bandannas instead to put around my feet before i put my shoes back on.

After that it was dream about trains and how i got on one train, but there was another train that left the place at the same time. And when i got on it i kept seeing the train from the outside like it was filmed in a movie. Seeing 2 trains depart from one location, one going left and the other right (the one i was on). Then i saw some huge futuristic type of plane, like the one similar in Halo the game, that they use to transport marines in. It was flying right after the trains.

3rd part of the dream was me trying to return books to the library, but when i get there it was being closed. I go in and return the books then it turns out its a clothing store. I go in and some young teenagers i dont know go in there with me. Then we get locked in and cant get out for some reason. We start going from floor to floor looking for exit. I try some jeans on, and i got a walkman with me. Then the girls go one way and me and this guy start looking for an exit together. I think i woke up but went back to sleep and started dreaming it again. Then eventually we found an exit and the rest i don't remember.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the first 2 probably have somethin to do with you being GAY. the third shows what a fucking nerd you are. who has dreams about returning library books? lolol