Friday, December 4, 2009

The Power of Now - REVIEW

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

I just finished reading this book a few days ago. First of all, just like New Earth, this is NOT an easy book. He gives you a lot of different views of life, death, and beyond. There is a lot of things to absorb and think about. This isn't the book you read in a week and go "that was nice." This is a book you read a little, put down, pick up again, read some more, etc..

The main topic of this book is presence. Not the future, or the past, but this moment. Eckhart Tolle mentions that every time your mind goes into the past, thinking about all the bad things done to you and you start to get real emotional wishing this and that would never happen, or the future-thinking of what will happen tomorrow and so on, it is your Ego. In order to not align yourself with your Ego, you gotta bring your mind into the present moment.

The author also talks a lot about "Being". From what I understand, he refers to your "true" self. The inner self that is immortal, your soul, spirit, or whatever else people refer it to. He says people put labels on things that don't last farther then this life time which I COMPLETELY agree with. Example: "I'm Puerto Rican! blah blah blah, I eat PR food, date PR women", etc.. I've met a lot of people who half the time talk about their race, religion, or background which I find EXTREMELY annoying. After they die, that label they were so boasting about goes to their grave and most likely will never be related to them in any way, shape or form.

Echkart gives this great exercise on how to feel the life force within that most of us don't even pay attention to. I do it after every meditation.

Also, there is this short part about negativity, and that the only useful thing about it is that it strengthens the Ego and gives itself an identity, like "I been through this, that, and the other. This is who I AM. This is really ME." *cough*Trojanman*cough*. When in reality, the REAL you is somebody so far beyond these labels to which the Ego attaches itself to, through which it can only survive until your death. Once you die, your Ego dies, but your "Being" lives on.

I would give this book 4/5. It's worth a read if you got some free time on your hands. Took me a few months to finish it.

My next book though is just FASCINATING to me. I will be writing a review when I finish it. I'm picking it up today from the library. Hint: it's very similar to the previous book review I did but with MUCH more depth to it.

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