Thursday, September 24, 2009

Crenshaw Blvd.

So I was looking at this place in Hawthorne today and needed to get some gas. I drive a few blocks and I'm on Crenshaw! Damn son!!! I couldn't believe it. All that shit you hear in rap songs and how gangsta it is and its just kinda spread out, quiet, maybe 1 or 2 people on the street. I guess that's LA for you. Gas there is cheap as fuck. I only paid 2.99 per gallon, and It's usually like 3.15 to 3.30.

Then I drove North from Crenshaw and El Segundo all the way back home. I went through Inglewood (saw the "Welcome the Inglewood" sign) which is mostly nice and quiet. It was mainly black folks but some Latin too in certain areas. Again, barely anybody on the street except a few people here and there.

Then I got to Martin Luther King Jr., which is mos def the Hood. I saw guys posted up on a bus stop, and a cop with his motorcycle parked. Then half a block a lil further there is like 5 cop cars parked. Something was going on. Black area.

I'm still looking for a place though. Got 6 more days and I really really really I hope I find it this weekend because I do not want to stay here another month.



Paz said...

good luck, fam. you still loving la?

SP said...

thanks and yeah, LA is a great city with the best weather.