Thursday, September 10, 2009

1st Meditation Sensation

I just meditated and usually my mind is racing. I have a really hard time putting it to stop. Even after meditating since January 1st of this year, 2009, my mind is racing 1,000 mph when I'm NOT meditating, but in meditation I can put it to about 500 or 300 mph if I'm lucky. Today I really focused on my breath I'd say 75% of the time.

About 80% into it I started to feel this weird sensation. It was as if I'm bigger then my body, or my body is bigger then me. It was like I'm in some sort of a room that is really big but it is all taking place inside of me. And it didn't feel like here and now how I usually feel and we all feel as humans. It was as if the more I focus on my breath the more I get into this trance.

Now the tricky part is that I'm a day dreamer. I LOVE day dreaming and been doing this since high school. So when I start meditating it's like an excuse for me to escape. But then I'm like "oh wait.. I'm meditating" and get back to my breath. And the moment I start to focus in on my breath and go deeper I get scared or something and use day dreaming as an excuse to go somewhere else in my thoughts. But I really am trying to focus with every sitting and hope to go even deeper.


Paz said...

i'm going to warn you space. you gonna become very depressed.

SP said...

thanks. i'll check this out