Sunday, September 28, 2008


I just caught a glimpse of Apocalypto and it was scary as fuck! it felt like the real tribal times people going back and forth killing each other and cutting the guts out of the stomachs. So i googled it and this came up..

this is interesting as fuck! i remember i used to go to a bible study cuz my Samoan friend i tried to get with ended up being my buddy at school when iD see her at work cuz she worked close by. one time walking home from school we saw each other and she was like you wanna come with me to this place? its where i chill at im like cool.. i kept walking with her to this house and it turned out to be a bible study right. but it turned out to be nothing but fundamentalists.. a bunch of Jesus freaks. so then there was this gay guy who was openly gay and had a boyfriend. so then these Jesus freaks had a bible night and im there right. and this dude Paul i think was the "Preacher" or whatever, the man in charge. so he was reading the passage from his Bible, and at some point came to the part... "and if you are a homosexual, you are going to Hell!" the gay guy got all emotional got up and rushed out the door. my Samoan friend went after him and shit was crazy. then his mom was like "he knows, he knows this but he refuses to acknowledge it! blah blah" i was like dang this dude is trapped in this shit nut house with a bunch of Jesus fundamentalist freaks. hes doomed until the day he moves out. i ran as far as possible from those freaks and same with this democrat politician guy, his guy keeps calling me and shit stalking me im like dude fuck off already!! so after 4 calls i call him back and like 'im real busy lately man, and blah blah blah and yeah i dont support Josh Fag anymore' and hung up. so the dude tried to call me again after that a few days ago im like dude leave me alone ya stalking ass bitch!!! i'm a little high but not too much just a little piece of weed i smoked through my bong. dang its good weed but i need to go to bed now cuz dont wanna stay up on saturday i gotta a monday 8am class gotta go to bed on sunday at least at 12 *crosses fingers i'll be able to do that this sunday*

oh yeah, and about the bible study right. there was this one fat guy and he was real cool. i dont know why but we got along and talked about some deep shit about spritual worlds and stuff (no homo! i know its gay as fuck and this phrase is retarded that wwaas made up probably by some real major fags but i just had to cuz its getting way too gay by the European society's standards.) and then we start talking about why you here and hes on that jesus shit. im like ok and then the convo went somewhere to how "if you get beat up just pray and God will help you." so im like dude you cant be serious if that happens you just take martial arts and thats the only way. so he was like "I knocked a guy out and put him a hospital for 2 weeks. i realized that what gave me that power to do that to another human being?" and i was like thats cool man but not everybody can do shit like that so they gotta take martial arts to get confidence, etc.. so he was like what is martial arts? what do they teach you there? i said something like "inner power" and he was like 'exactly! so i dont wanna mess with that at all. i dont worship idols like in Budha and all that type of stuff is EVIL!" i was like what about psychics? .... "EVIL!" i was like what about soul travel? "EVIL! all you gotta do is pray to God and he will help you." so i was like wtf!? blah blah blah.. blah blah blah blah?? so he went... "I don't care about this life here on earth. i care about what happens after wards" or something. so i went whoa..... same exact line from Autobiography of Malcolm X where he said something like... "The white man told the slaves not to worry about life here on earth, and that he will reward them in the afterlife." some shit like that. and i froze the fuck up like "this is crazy how much the European colonization has effected the society through all the rapes, tortures and the killings of the indigenous tribal people, the enslavement of the Africans, and the forcing their religion practices on the enslaved is still in full effect on the people of today (the fat guy was white btw, there was only one black person in that place-a black elderly woman that came every now and then. and i saw one black dude there he just came and went. never seen him again. sad shit on the fat guy's part and his failure to not get brainwashed.) shit is crazy as fuck and right before i left that paul or whatever the fuck his dumb ass name was said something like "and if you are not a Christian and dont accept Jesus as your savior, you are going to Hell!" and on other nights he would say shit like "can you imagine all those people who didn't accept Jesus?" and people would be shaking their heads like "omg! tragedy!!!!!" so he'd continue.. "they're lost" and shake his head.. after that 'if you not Christian you'll be chilling with Devil' part though i broke the fuck out!! oh man it was crazy. i tried to tell my Samoan friend all this shit of how they enforced religion and all that shit but she wouldn't listen. she still kept going but i dont know what happened after that maybe she stopped im not sure cuz she never told me nothing. we were friends for a while but then her celly got disconnected and thats the last i heard from that girl. she was a cool ass girl though she was big boned and fine.

1 comment:

Paz said...

yeah, fam... that's why i don't get involve with that whole religion shit.. ya dig.. too much bullshit.

but yo... happy birthday, dude. hope you enjoy it. you prolly high right now and shit.