Tuesday, March 29, 2016

I like Ben Carson, but...

Dr. Carson is very well educated in Islam and understands the threat muslims pose to America, as well as the incompatibility with Islamic Law-Sharia and our Constitution

But I am concerned with Donald Trump offering Mr. Ben key position(s) in education. Why? Because Ben Carson's brain is fried on the biggest propaganda of our time when it comes to education-afrocentrism. It's pretty amazing to me how well informed he is on Islam, and utterly clueless when it comes to history. Just look at this shit...

ASuperEgyptian sonned Mr. Ben so bad, it isn't even funny. I actually used to beLIEve in this BULLSHIT back in my college days, thinking that "Africans" built the pyramids (LOL), and that Egypt was an "African" civilization, not knowing that all these afrocentric morons are talking about the Nubians who later on conquered Egypt, and adopted all their Gods, something that was very common back in those days. Black people nowadays steal and try to claim every ancient culture as their own. That's nothing new... but I am just concerned if Ben Carson gets to be in charge of education in some parts of the US, if Trump wins (God willing), and then he starts teaching this HORSESHIT to our children. Very scary thought...

TRUMP 2016!!!!!!!!!!

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