Saturday, July 18, 2009

Living here is bad, but not as bad as with my fam

-my cousin's soon to be 2 year old baby is crying every 30 mins like a little bitch

-it wakes me up every morning at 7am and on sundays even earlier

-this apartment is a fly fest with small and huge flies flying around and shit

-my bathroom was so disgusting i could feel the smell of stench and felt like my ass was getting polluted just sitting on the toilet. spent half a day cleaning it all today and thank GOD it's finished

-the baby gets away with murder and throws shit (including food) everywhere all over the table, carpet, and anywhere else. last week it took a piss right outside my door cuz the fucker took its diapers off

-my cousin finds it cute and didnt even get mad after i told her about the pissing episode but instead giggled

-there is no real door but a fake plastic wall that is hanging from the ceiling on rollers

-i got a hook lock and the baby broke it out the wall by pulling the plastic sliding door hard so now i gotta go get a thicker one to screw into the wall so the lil shit wont have enough strength to fucking rip it out again

-my cousin is really different and has PMS every once in a while

-she never thanks me for ANYTHING I DO. i cleaned the fucking sink and the kitchen area today and all i got was a nod. i bought a shitload of things including batteries, paint which i was gonna use to paint bathroom and other stuff and not even an acknowledgment. it's like i didnt do shit and am not gonna do shit anymore unless it has to do doing it for me. oh yeah, im returning paint, and some other stuff back to Home Depot tomorrow

there is more but no matter how bad this gets, it beats living with my mother and the father wanna be

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