Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Today is a good day

It's 3:00 pm and i got just got home. Unbelievable! This is the time i usually leave. Wake up around 11 or 12 (sometimes even 1), fuck around on computer and stretch my meditation session from 20 mins to 1 hours until my lazy ass decides to sit down and start, and leave to go work on my paper on campus.

I had an appointment today so i had to wake up at 8am. And I'm really really really gonna try hard to change my sleeping habit because it's fucking me up in every aspect of my life. I get headaches, no sleep, no real solid schedule, and always lack sleep unless i decide to sleep in which is why i always do. The reason why I stay up is because i don't want my life to be a routine. It's like im a robot and i wake up at 6 am and go to bed at 10pm every day. I hate that so that's why i'd end up going to bed at 3, 4, 5 am!!! But I got to have a routine! Especially now that I'm 1 month away from graduating, and get a real full-time job. If i don't have a routine I'm fucked when I enter the job market! Plus I feel so good about my day when it's 3pm and I've done everything on the list opposed to just starting it.

And I can really see meditation helping me with as day dreamy and lost my brain is at times. All the humans have the same shit happening in the brain. The brain can't sit still and meditation is the practice for quieting it down and also ease the pain of life. It takes a lot of discipline but hey i'm all for it. Missed my session this morning though cuz i woke up late, but i'll do it after i eat. Gotta go, the water is boiling and nobody is home! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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