Monday, February 16, 2009

Nightmare inside of a prison

the dream was long and it had to do with me catching diff buses but the nightmare began when i saw my bus arriving and i started running towards the bus stop. i take this entrance thinking it will lead me there but then when i run in i see a female security that sneezes towards my direction. i was like you dont happen to have cold do you? then i'm like where am i? she goes 'you're inside of a Maximum Security Prison. i was like well can you let me out i gotta catch my bus. she goes no because the tour is about to start and prisoners is about to be out here. so i was like wtf?!?

then the male guard goes just sit on this chair. and it's a tall chair right in the walking area where i'm standing i was like can i sit over there? it was some fence and a couple sitting there. one of them fences with 3 wires running from left to right and you can jump over it with lots of rows behind it like on football field only its metal seats. he goes just sit in that chair i was like pleeeeeease can i sit behind the fence cuz i was scared and he was like ok.

so i sit behind the fence and right away the whole thing started moving towards the right like i'm on a rollercoster or something and all these prisoners appear out of thin air right across us. HUGE GUYS! and i could just feel the evil in the air. one real tall and buff guy got on the fence rocking it in front of the couple i sat next to. and the seats move us towards prison walls and this one mexican prisoner spits on the insides of the wall right before i enter it. it got so scary because the hole we going into is REAL NARROW. feels like i'm in a cave barely passing through. so i start to focus and wait 16 seconds then transport out of there like you can do in wow. then the dream shifts to where i'm outside the prison and i see some prisoners near by so i start running so they don't see me. i see a huge fense wall so i start to climb over it and eventually get on the other side. then i see prisoners following me which looked like they wanted to escape too. so as i get out i see a police car coming so i get rid of my prison shirt that i was wearing and get inside of a pool to swim so i look like im a regular. then i woke up and couldnt go back to sleep for at least 20 mins or so..

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Anonymous said...