Sunday, February 15, 2009

Great book on Meditation!

I just got this book on meditation and so far it is amazing! I couldn't stop reading chapter 1; it was the smoothest and fastest read ever. Some of the concepts and explanations on life are so deep that they are beyond my understanding.

This book focuses on the breathing meditation that comes from South and South East Asia. Everything in this book is tied into Buddhism and I am very excited to read it because I have a very profound view of Buddha.

If you're interested in meditation, mos def pick this up! Mindfulness in Plain English

I wanna add a couple more things. The author must've had a lot of experience living in America because he talks about a lot of issues we as society go through and how meditation relates to them. There is so much truth on what he is saying about the western culture we live in and the problems we all face as civilization living in our modern cities, that for a moment he made me forget im reading a book on meditation. And there is this other part where he was saying something like... you're happy one moment and life is great, you think to yourself this is it i've found what i was looking for. but then before you know the fun is over and you somehow sink back into the depth of your old ways of living and something is missing. This was so true for me after i took that workshop. OMG after the workshop i thought my life will never be the same and ill always be happy going to clubs talking to chicks and spreading the love. but after about a year things got stale and i slowly got back into my old ways of being a loner. I slowly stopped trying to talk to everybody being mr. social guy because i slowly realized it was never me to begin with. And looking back i understand why i changed back to my old ways. I don't know exactly if it was a good thing or a bad thing, but i do know this is exactly what the author was talking about. When i was being all happy talking to people deep inside something was missing. I couldn't figure out what it was but i was like... something aint right. And a lot of the times i was putting on a front like im this alpha "hey hey hey" guy so i stopped.

I just hope the rest of the book is going to be as good as chapter 1.

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