Monday, October 6, 2008

Joe Bidden

kinda funny too my black friend 100% agrees with me and not like it matters but i was real surprised cuz i thought he'd co-side with Obama because he knows a lot about politics and to me all of this is new. i was like what about those people in the black community where everybody is voting for the sole reason that Obama is black, wouldn't you say they are sheep? he was like 'they are worse then sheep cuz then if our first black president fucks up then he'll make black people in America look even worse and it's racist' and i agree with him. that's like black judges watching Olympics and picking a black runner based on his race and not on his skill. people don't even realize they doing that shit in this election, but that's exactly what they're doing. he told me how Joe Bidden is even more of a retard then Palin so i looked it up and found this.

what did he say about Obama before the VP pick?

and what did he say about McCain before the VP pick?


and i thought Palin was bad with her fundamentalist religious views and being part of some nut organization that tries to convert homosexuals. but now i'm beginning to believe Bidden is 10x worse as a VP. i can't imagine this Obama/Bidden combo with Obama being a puss and never taking a stand and Bidden talking shit about his own partner and even accepting his proposal when he clearly stated Obama has little experience and not ready for the big leagues. who will win? time will tell. but i was really i mean really thinking of switching sides cuz of Palin but now i'm starting to believe i was right all along.


Paz said...

well... did you see the debate where mccain lost?

SP said...

^^^is what you say in every debate that have taken place and will take place. what else is new?

Paz said...

it's true... mccain knew that he lost. that's why he didn't shake obama's hand when it was over.

sarah palin is cute though. i say we kidnap her. i get first dubs on her pussy though brah.

Anonymous said...

i'm starting to believe you & pazzy are complete morons