Monday, August 4, 2008

Medellin case

this Jose Medellin is a real piece of shit. he's gonna get executed August 5th which is tomorrow. i was just thinking about how he feels right now. his insides are probably boiling, or maybe he's immune and doesn't care. either way guys like this deserve the worst punishment in the CJ system. after reading what him and his friends did to the 2 girls i can't even look at his pic without feeling utter disgust. and when it comes to capital punishment, Texas don't play.


Paz said...

yo... wasn't he part of the texas 7 escapees?

SP said...

doesn't look like he is,

and it's funny you bring that up cuz.. "Rodriguez is scheduled to be executed on August 14, 2008." that's one of the guys who was part of the Texas 7.