Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mediumship and Channeling

Lately I've been listening to some channeling. It's crazy how people have been doing this for thousands of years, yet with technology we have today, we can get these messages instantly just by typing up the search words.

You can schedule phone sessions with them for helping you with your problems. Bashar waiting period is 3 months...

Bashar - more info on

Dr Williams

There are others, but they don't resonate with me that much.


Here is Darryl Anka talking about how he started channeling Bashar


Anonymous said...

are you a jew?

SP said...

are you a racist?

Anonymous said...

bashar is awesome wierd i almost sent you a link about him when you where having your "i can sleep cause all these people and my paper thin walls are making me nuts" entry.

Its pretty hard to meditate and make peace when so much shit can bother you at the drop of a hat.

if anything this stuff assures us that.. the universe is stranger then we can possibly imagine.

SP said...

Thanks. hey, can I ask who are you? what is your name?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Name is james. i work as a psychic. I would also suggest eckhart tollies books he packs alot of material into a pair of books that took me many other authors to find myself.