Friday, May 15, 2009

Cosmic Energy

Here it is as promised.

This movie covers many things some of which are:

• The Universe
• Cosmic Energy and how to get it
• Third Eye
• Physical World vs. Spiritual World
• Life After Death
• Etheric Body
• Astral Projection


Spiritual Reality: Journey Within


suomynona said...

great vid! relaxing as fuck. i'm gonna try meditating on my own tonight

SP said...

that's great bro. but remember, having a goal like being able to reach all the things you've seen in this video is great. but know that you won't get it in a first couple of sittings. it will probably take you from a few weeks to a few months of meditating every day just to come to a point where you mind is completely focused on the breath 80-90% of the time. after that you'll go deeper and deeper. i am coming close to this level and i been meditating almost every day for over 4 months! but some people develop faster so you never know.

so remember, set a goal, and then stay with it. most Americans want things right now! this fucking minute! if they can't have it now they don't want it at all. that's totally not how meditation works. this video covers layers of years upon years of mastering yourself. you can't do it in one sitting.

and good luck. I myself hope i stay with it because i gave up meditation 2 times in the past after doing it for some time. hopefully this time I go through with it, and come out on the other side.

Anonymous said...

man i'm so glad i found this video. i've been doing it everyday since.

even at work, i have a very boring monotous job, so i try to do like quick 5-10 minute sessions throughout the day. makes the day go by a lot better

also, i was searching for more info & found this quote helpful:

"A technique I advise is viewing your thoughts as separate from your self. When a thought appears, make a conscious decision to throw it out of your mind. Over time you realize that you are capable of allowing or rejecting thoughts. Your real “I” is not a collection of thoughts, but something far deeper. This is the most significant realization of meditation - that you do not have to be a slave to your thoughts."