I was LMFAO at this interview last night smoking some good shit
this is why these liberal pussies destroy each country they take over. with liberals you get the worst ghettos in America, with all the people on welfare, which gives them 0% motivation to get off their ass and learn a skill or get ahead. but these folks still vote for libs. so it’s sort of a trade off. liberals are just using blacks as slaves… for votes. and they keep voting for them. it’s disgusting. but this goes back to people not understanding the world. I guess James Manning was right when he said that “you can teach a black man how to be a doctor, you could teach a black man how to be a lawyer, you could teach a black man how to be a physisit, but you could never teach a black man how to understand the world.” but people are waking. actually a lot of black Americans today support Trump. they are tired of all this shit. I even saw a video of black folks in South Side of Chicago mad as hell talking about how Obama hasn’t done SHIT for them. he cares more about muslims he’s bringing in destroying this country, then help out the black folks. this guy is a DISGRACE to America. how did this immigrant from Kenya fool everyone? but I guess anyone who has George Soros, the son of Satan, is backing them up, could be the president. with all that money it takes to win, you just need the right rich guy to fund your campaign.
oh well. I was laughing so hard at this interview. Trump is just speaking common sense, and the world treats him like an idiot. we have all the technology, the smartest people in the world!!! and our leaders are like ‘we don’t know what to do. let’s continue what we’ve been doing and bomb ISIS’. hey dumb ass, how has that been working for you for the last year? can’t believe we have such utter idiots running our countries. I give the western civilization 20 years, MAX! if we don’t get Trump and more like him into our governments, say bye bye Constitution, say hello Sharia. but just watch England, and Sweden, and Germany as well and see what happens to these experiments that have been going on for quiet sometime. the lawsuits they have with muslims playing the victims will make you laugh out loud. it is the most disgusting freak show you will ever witness. it’s 100x worse than lawsuits in America. but it’s always muslims who are the poor poor victims. fucking hilarious. it’s gonna go nowhere else than down for them. i feel sorry for the people, though. no Europeans deserve war, or get their children be raped by a pack of animals or their young boys beat up in the streets. but that’s exactly what’s happening, thanks to the liberals and socialists who brought this into their own lands. what fucking pisses me off, these libs all live in all white areas that are safe and quite. would they ever have to live amongst these muzzrats, they would’ve screamed and yelled how horrible it was!! but they don’t, because they have never lived among these muslim animals, and never will. we need to get some tough conservatives elected, and put these pieces of human trash on trial for treason. then execute every last one of them. or simply kick them out to the countries of these “refugees”, and make them live there among the population as a European. make them “#FeelTheBurn”…
TRUMP 2016!!!!!!!!!!!
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