Friday, December 1, 2017

RIP Topaz blog

so I been checking, but looks like Paz made it private. Can't blame him since he sort of sons himself every time. 1st he talks about personal stuff, and then he links his blog on toxic hiphop/sports websites like sohh, colli, etc.. that's why I stopped posting on sohh. and even when I did, I stopped linking my blog there.

one of my favorite parts about Paz' blog is the gay troll that came through talking about "open your asscheeks for me pazzy. por favooooorrr" lmao. Topaz, if you're reading this, that troll wasn't me. but I still think he was funny af trolling you no homo.

but even then, Topaz blog got a little bit too gay for me after he came out of the closet. always talking about wanting a bf, rants about drama in the black gay community. either way, gl in life Topaz, in whatever you do. I don't blog much either. I really want to focus on my personal life but my fears always get the best of me. Working on changing that.


Paz said...

Hey man. I see that you're wilding a bit too hard on your blog. How are you doing man? It's been a minute. I've been lurking reading your blog.

Yeah, the blog made it private awhile ago and recently deleted it. At the time, it was okay I guess. Then again, looking back at it now. It was a waste of time, a lot of negative energy as you've mentioned came out of there. I stopped blogging because it got old. Had nothing left to say. In fact, a lot of shit you and me put out there which was real embarrassing and humiliating to talk about when we were in our 20s. It's the norm now. Guess because technology, smart phones and social media really is making a lot of males more awkward. Even now seeing how people on YouTube, instagram and etc are broadcasting their lives and etc. Faces and identities. It's just not cool anymore. In fact, I'm getting more comfortable not wanting to get any attention period. It was only a matter of time before this shit Just laying low and a part of that meant having to kill anything that was bringing it. So I had to kill the blog and basically am more interested in no longer living on the Web. I feel like I've served out a long sentence. Doing time into something that didn't serve me any purpose. A lot of time wasted that Im not going to get back. I regret all the years and time I put into this Internet shit. The world isn't so bad I guess.

Hopefully, you're living your life and enjoying yourself. And you're not involving in that crazy shit on your blog with the alt right and shit. I know you breh. You're a lot smarter than that.


Sp said...

you actually deleted your blog? damn. oh well, if that's what you wanted to do. I'd just make it private, but I guess it's cuz I hate deleting things completely.

I go out every weekend now, but still struggling talking to women in the day time. Night time too, but sometimes I manage to open convos and it's easier cuz it's a social environment. but yeah, I'm trying to live my life but it's really hard. I am studying every day to get my career on track, but still not where I want to be. I am really considering paying some guy to teach me the ropes of how to be a man, talk to women, etc.. internet videos and books could only do so much. do you still live with your parents? I feel that part about no longer living on the web, but I still struggle getting through my fears. I just don't wanna die being all fucked up like this scared of people, and women.

I am not directly involved with the Alt-Right, but do support the movement. any people should have the right to preserve their own culture and land for themselves, whites included. No one should vilify a group of people for wanting their countries to remain white, when it's been that way for thousands of years. but I gotta help and improve myself. If I can't do that, I won't be able to help anybody.

Paz said...

One thing I would say to you space is you need to start believing in yourself. Don't worry so much about other people liking you so much as you liking yourself. It's not your fault for this though as we are living in a society that constantly reiterates that our value depends upon how other people see us instead of us learning to like ourselves.

In fact, this was one of the reasons why I had to stop fucking with the blogs and all this social media bullshit. It was negative as hell. Always comparing myself to someone else and thinking I'm more flawed than others. Who and what made us think we weren't good enough or had something wrong with us where we have to talk down on ourselves? Not saying to go around and act cocky or tell yourself that you're the greatest. But more of accepting that there is nothing wrong with you where you can't enjoy life or you can't achieve what other people have. A part of that also means that not having to put all these expectations on yourself to live up to other people's standards which is what you're doing and to do what is best for you. Make yourself happy.

I feel in this era we are living in there's a lot of bored, lonely people out here with low self esteem and no confidence because it's all about being accepted by everyone which are conditioned to live by societial standards except self acceptable and people not learning how to handle their downtime or how to be comfortable in their skin or how to be alone by themselves where they embrace their flaws like being anxious and etc. It's negative. There's nothing wrong with you, man. There's certain sites that I go on that I automatically upon seeing the content make a uturn off of because that shit is toxic like they're promoting unrealistic shit then saying that if someone isn't like this, they're weird. Nothing but controlling and manipulation at its finest. Just learn how to be comfortable in your skin. The more comfortable you are with yourself, other people will notice and roll with it.

Sp said...

I agree with you. But there is a difference between knowing something, and being it. This is what I'm struggling with right now...