Monday, December 7, 2015

Obama is a "total pussy" - Ralph Peters

so I was debating on posting this, because I don't want my site turning into a news blog. but this is just too good.

Lieutenant colonel Ralph Peters just OWNED Obama. Mr. Peters just said what many, many, MANY Americans are feeling right now. ISIS is burning people alive, drowning people alive, beheading Americans, and the president of the most powerful country on earth is talking about GLOBAL WARMING, which is his plan on defeating terrorism. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!?!?! Obozo has completely lost his mind and should just resign. No one likes him anymore. He is a fucking traitor to this country and the free world. Fuck him and fuck his Islam! This is a CHRISTIAN Nation, you retard. No one cares about Islam here! STOP BRINGING THESE INVADERS WHO REFUSE TO ASSIMILATE! You're the worst thing that happened to America!!!

and with Trump saying what he said about completely stopping any and all immigration of muslims from muslim nations is 100% correct. Have you seen the polls at how many muslim immigrants in Europe who support Sharia, and support terrorism and ISIS? This country is going straight to hell if these 200,000 "refugees", most of which are young men (Jihadis) will come here. FBI even admitted they have no way of knowing who is who since there is no database of background checks, since they've never been in our system. They could be ISIS, Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, and just about any other terrorist organization.

We don't want Obama! WE NEED TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!

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