Monday, October 5, 2015

Ben Carson is the MAN!

The more I learn about Ben Carson, the more respect I give him. This man WILL NOT backdown under pressure. He made his statement, and he will not fold when CAIR, a front group for Muslim Brotherhood, attacks his character. This group is not even allowed to get involved in politics, yet they open their disgusting, ignorant mouth, and stick their nose where it doesn't belong. And what will Obama the great do? What he always does, defend Pisslam and attack the messenger.

Who knows, maybe Dr. Carson will get my vote after all. He seems to be the only candidate who knows exactly what is going on, seems very soft spoken, but when the time comes you best believe he has something to say. And it sure isn't some politically correct BULLSHIT that comes out of the mouth of most of our leaders every day. Keep up the good job, Ben. You have my full and utmost respect

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