Sunday, September 27, 2015

the Pope is a Pussy, pt. 2

I gotta serious question. Why is our nation run by a bunch of politically correct morons? The biggest question is, why do they try their hardest to effect our political system, when they have no business being in politics? Our left has done enough damage already. Please, keep your childish and naive opinions to yourself. If this imbecile gets assassinated, I wouldn't even feel bad. Better one dead, than the entire nation that will go down with him due to democraps that actually listening to his low IQ peanut brain

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kinda related, but South Park's last episode was funny. Donald Trump got all the anti-pc people riled up by just repeating "suck my balls"

Right wingers have never been more dumb

Read this recent comment by Sarah Palin & tell me if she's even really saying anything: