Thursday, July 21, 2011

San Francisco Police Department

the most corrupted police department in our country. this is what happens when you dont pay your bus fair


Paz said...

heard about this? they said he was armed or something like that. what people around your way saying?

Sp said...

he was unarmed, but didnt pay his bus fair. he allegedly pimped some 14 year old girl in his home town, Seattle, WA. and was wanted for questioning regarding some other 19 year old girl who got killed. just what I read in Examiner but still... shit is just WRONG!

Paz said...

i feel you on that but i can't really feel sorry for dude especially since he was a prime suspect with that 19 year old pregnant woman. i'm against police brutality but hey... dude was an actual threat though.

Sp said...

that's not the point. SFPD is corrupted as fuck. they will most likely get away with this. they had a community gathering and the people booed so much they had to end it soon. its crazy here man. SFPD been corrupted since i been taking CJ in college AT LEAST, that was back in 2009.