Tuesday, March 29, 2011

my mom's b/f is a fucking ASSHOLE!

3 of us were in family therapy today. so this douch bag started talking about the whole episode of him attacking me. and he kind of mentioned "for that i am sorry". and before we were leaving i was like.. yeah, i gotta q. why it took you so long to apologize? this is 3 weeks after it happened! he's like.. because blah blah blah blah blah blah blahb lah blah.. and it wasnt even a full apology, its a half apology... mannnn FUCK YOU!!!!!!!! YOU ARE SUCH AN ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!! he didnt even apologize to me (was talking to the shrink) and now he is talking about "its a half apology" arghhhh fucking ass!!! I dont even consider that half apology. more like 1/4th of an apology. the shrink was like "its apology... so why you saying its half? say it like you mean it".. fucking douch.. he was like "its a lesson, that if he does anything to my woman, its nature and i will defend her." fucking ass... the only lesson I learned is that you 1) dont understand wtf is going on, and 2) is an asshole. fucking ASSHOLE!!!! I AM SO FUCKING MAD. i dont think ill ever look at him the same again. ass wipe didnt to this day understand what happened and thinks he is "half" right. idiot!!!!!


Paz said...

wow. the shrink was cosigning him and shit??? was the shrink even trying to see it from your point of view and shit? for real.... that sounds like a wack shrink if they can't even see why you would get offended about that shit.

Sp said...

no paz, the shrink was telling him that he should stick with it being an apology and not a 'half apology'. the shrink knows what he's talking about.

if you guys have insurance, you may wanna talk to your mom about going to family therapy. if you find a good therapist it could really help, especially setting your mom and dad straight or at least wake them up on stupid shit they do around you.

Paz said...

oh alright. there's no use in that. my parents already went to marriage counseling 20 plus years ago and my father didn't give a flying fuck then and he still doesn't now.