Sunday, November 21, 2010

Moon Landing A Fake or Fact

I am obsessed with truth. I always want to get at the bottom of things. And when things look like they're bullshit, I almost can't sleep at night. The moon landing looks like one of those things. If you google it, there is so much evidence that it's fake that you would spend your entire day reading it. It really is mind boggling. Here is another documentary that talks about it.

I have met so many bullshitters in this country, that I would not be surprised if the US government did this to be "the first on the Moon." There is many businesses today that is built around this "bullshit", which are filled with scams, lies, and who knows what else.

Fuck you NASA! and fuck the bullshit!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9


Paz said...

mayne... most def that shit was fake. you heard about them wanting somebody to take a one way trip to mars?

Sp said...

yeah, they are "talking about it". man fuck NASA.. for all i know those Mars pics could fake, and taken at some Area 51 site. they had enough tax dollars to make them up.

the funny part is, 99% of the people working on the project don't know the real truth. only a handful who run the show do.