The chant is... Yod, Hey, Shin, Vav and Hey
what it means
'Every time you see the phrase "The LORD" in all capital letters in the Bible, especially in the Hebrew Bible, The "Old Testament" (though we hate that term), it is referring to God's name, YHWH, Yahweh.' but if you add S in between it becomes YHSWH which stands for Yod (Y), Hey (H), Shin (S), Vav (W) and Hey (H), are the exact words chanted in the Holy Harmony video linked above. those same words is the name of the Son of God. and then i look at the CD reviews and everybody is saying some deep stuff about this chant and album but yet i dont know much about religion and not really a religious freak but believe in supernatural. and you know i totally believe that there is music that heals us and helps us and there is music of the devil that curses us and poisons us. and think many of that poison is contained in a big portion of hip hop. all the ignorance, racism, and sexist is fucking poison to the people who keep producing that and portray that image for something to hold onto (people who listen to it are fucked as well) when it's just a form of a tool to poison human beings, their bodies, mind and spirit.
and this guys' records really relax me and put me in a moment of peace. it's not like i wanna dance, kick someones ass, get depressed or cry or nothing like other songs may make me feel but i just feel real relaxed and stress free. but when i hear some drum music it makes me feel the millions of years of evolution and kinda makes me feel like im back in the tribal times. its like my spirit is soul traveling or something but i cant literally see it myself with my own eyes.
but anyway this chant "Yod, Hey, Shin, Vav and Hey" is talked about in this link
"In the beginning, mankind was created in the image of Yod Hey Vav Hey, .
Adam perfectly reflected God's nature and attributes. That is the proclamation of the book of Genesis. Through the fall, man stopped recognizing this, stopped properly reflecting YHWH's nature and attributes, and through sin and the fall, we became darkened creatures. We lost the ability to reflect God's Holy Name. "
and was another part where it said how in Hebrew the words are spelled backwards and God's name is spelled Yod Hey Vav Hey. but if you flip it then it spelled Jesus if you add an s or something it was a bit confusing.
"This is a direct connection of YHSWH to YHWH. He [Jesus] is claiming God's name for His own. Yod Hey Shin Vav Hey is claiming Yod Hey Vav Hey's name as His own.
is claiming 's Name as His own!"
it also says this..
' YHWH is the non-manifested, hidden, transcendent God. YHSWH is the visible, manifest, present God.
You could say that YHWH is potential and YHSWH is kinetic.
Hidden and revealed, spirit and flesh, transcendent and present. These two beings, God the Father, God the Son are united. And, they're united in the name.
It is clear that YHWH and YHSWH are one being united by the invisible spirit, who is also sent in the name of YHSWH. '
and it goes even deeper when he gives a couple of examples. but to make a long story short. there are many chants in religion like Budha and many others, and if you keep chanting the same phrase over and over it will connect you to different kinds of spiritual worlds depending on the chant and what it means. and i'm really interested and fascinated with this stuff. this is why i never got into that OBE because it was western based. i don't like western based theories and philosophies on soul travel, they are very... um.... like you know... technical and biological or whatever. it doesn't even sound spiritual. i don't know. it just feels very dry to me and maybe i didn't get into it or got frustrated with all the instructions and no meaning behind them.
maybe i'll get into chanting i don't know. i'll just keep researching and buying some of this spiritual music and look up different chants. i already have 2 albums and want more. and i just got a $40 amazon gift card from my mom so i'm gonna try to get some more stuff for now.
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