Wednesday, July 30, 2008

a Nightmare and a Pleasent Dream

i had so many nightmares within the last week or two it's scary. didn't blog the dreams because i am so lazy. but last night i went to bed at 7:30ish am, and probably fell asleep at 8. and i had this horrible nightmare.


now i start thinking and the nightmare goes way back. it started out as me being in my old hood where i'd visit that youth center. so i was walking the streets at night looking for a bus. i don't know why or what i was doing there because it probably had to do with the dream going even further back but i don't remember. so i find this bus, get on it, and turns out my ticket has expired. so i start looking for money but i have none, and a stranger tells me to not say anything and i don't. so the bus driver didn't say nothing, and i got off at this stop near city college. then night turned into day. and i'm thinking i wanna go visit my old counselor who really helped me and even hired me at city. but then i'm like "she probably is gonna wanna hug and i haven't showered in a few days so forget it."

but then i'm like ill go visit my supervisor instead. she's at a different department. so i go visit her and i come upstairs and i see her leaving work. i say what's up and smile at her. and instead of her being all like heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey she's really nonchalant and acts like she gotta be somewhere. i was like ok that sux, but whatever. then i end up going to some room downstairs i never seen before. and feels like i'm in a different place and in a different building. there are 2 guys there and 1 of them acts really rude or just disrespectful. i had an empty beer bottle in my hand so i was like "whatever man, im outta here!" and i put that beer bottle on top of a microwave. it was like my way of saying "you disrespect me, i disrespect you. so you throw this shit out." so i left it there and he went after me. he took the bottle and then as we end up outside i don't know what went wrong. but either the 2nd guy or somebody else threw glass powder in his eyes. (when i did Kung Fu, my teacher told us that back in China when there were no guns, people would grind glass until it became powder. and when it was time for war with every man for himself, the person would put that glass powder in his pockets and when situation got hectic he'd throw it his enemies' eyes.) so that's what happened, somebody threw this powder in his eyes. then the other guy ended up getting that powder in his eyes too. maybe it was dust, i'm not sure. but they were both laying on the ground all knocked out with their eyes wide open and their eyes were brownish. it was scary as shit so i woke up around 1pm. i was thinking it could've been me and here i am sleeping and dreaming about stuff and what i see in my dream, then i could wake up with my eyes being all screwed up. i was a little sweaty when i woke up.

-Nice Dream-

then when i went back to sleep i started dreaming of being in a room with this mature Asian chick. she was this lady i worked with before. she had a Chinese accent and then after about 5 mins of talking to her she turned into this girl that looked like Tina Tequila from the mtv show. so she was explaining to me something and i look her up and down. and it's like i'm really clueless on all these signs and i was in my dream too. she looked at me and said "oh my God something something," and kept looking at me. then i leaned in a little bit and then it was obvious so i kissed her. then she made some positive comments like how she likes me, i don't remember. so i started caressing her all over her stomach, legs, ass (her body was unbelievable and perfect.) we were about to start having sex but her father was in the apartment so she was like "let's take a shower together." she walks in the shower but there is her dad having sex with a women on the toilet so she freaks out and goes to her room. then i saw her later on and she was dressed in a really sexy black dress and told me something like "ohhh.. we couldn't get together cuz of my dad" or something, i dont remember.

there was a continuation of my nice dream after i left the apartment but ehh, don't feel like typing it up and plus it had my user friend in it so fuck that i'm not blogging it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I rarely have nightmares but that's because I never sleep.
Some nights ago I slept for a few hours and I had what is possibly the best dream ever! I had a dream about my childhood crush telling me how much she had always liked me.
I'm not kidding when I say this: if it means paying $299 to have that same dream again, I'll pay.