Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Weird dream & my cell phone

ok, first of just wanna say i charged my brand new phone last night and i wanna know how long can the battery last. i turned it on today at 3pm.

second, i had a really weird dream last night. i was in some room with a little tiny dog. the little dog would act like she is some sort of a princess. and there was a few other animals in the room. i remember a big dog and it picked up the little tiny dog with its jaws trying to carry her somewhere so i was trying to save it. then the little dog turned into a girl that still acted like a princess. and then my friend told me its not really a girl but a trannie. she looked really young, about 18 or maybe 19 years old. so then somehow me and that trannie girl ended up chilling on a bed just talking. there were a few guys walking by us in the room. one of the guys stopped and was talking to the girl about how men act or some shit. and she was relating to him all laughing. she was really socially calibrated, like new york from vh1. so anyway, we laying there and she starts telling me about her relationships. she tells me how shes single at the moment or dont gotta boyfriend or some shit. and then says "what about you, you gotta girlfriend?" and im like no. she goes why dont you have a girlfriend? so i have this really sad look on my face and say "its a looong story". then our faces were really close and it was that moment. so i leaned in and kissed her. after we made out i undress her top and started sucking on her right tit then her left. i felt so inexperienced and new, it was like one of those dreams in slow motion where you wanna go faster but you cant. its like time is slowed down by 3x and you cant do anything about it.

so im thinking to myself "am i really gonna lose my virginity with a tranny?" and then im like im weird anyway might as well embrace my weirdness. and thats when it eneded. the rest of the dream was really weird. the girl kept turning into different people and the last person she turned into was some skinny ass version of herself. first ignoring me, then trying to get my attention, it was weird.


Anonymous said...

so im thinking to myself "am i really gonna lose my virginity with a tranny?" and then im like im weird anyway might as well embrace my weirdness.



Paz said...

wow fam. that's some scary shit. she got those mighty morphin powers. that most definitely is one of those dreams with a serious meaning behind it.

check this site out.


SP said...

props man, ill check out that website.